
Pandemic permeating,
Oh! Wear the Face mask,
WFM, WFM everywhere,
The repeated caption more than a year,
Circumspections by scientists and experts,
Lot more inharmonious discussions,
Abundant speculations.

Non-acceptance tohabitual action,
Reduce the risk,
Keep community transmissions at bay,
Not to be ignorant.

Wear a comfortable one,
N95, Surgical, Cloth masks, and many more,
Ensure it covers nose and mouth,
Oh! That is paramount.

Looks synonymous with a robber,
Funny, yet sometimes frustrating,
Not a cool thing for people with goggles,
Ah! Clouds up their glasses,
A plastic face shield without the mask,
is no good either.
Protocols demanding enforcement,
Protect the susceptible,
Not just your family,
Keep safe the community too!

Choose an option,
Clean them or discard them,
Contaminated masks are equally hazardous.

A temporary lifestyle modification,
Not a humongous change,
Those who belittled and found this scornful,
Prone to be vulnerable,
Understand and respect
the mutual magic,
You wear for my wellbeing,
I wear for your wellbeing,
So, both our souls remain safe!

Shall unanimously promote,
You may be positive,
But wear a mask
to be corona negative,
Avoid the peril,
Hopes ahead,
Welcome, a goodhealth,
Build a secured future,
Be the change!
It all begins with us.

By Alekh

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